By Carol Meyer The 2020 town election season could be an exciting one! Looking toward the May 2 annual Town Election a little early, 11 incumbents have terms expiring this year, including the town moderator, a selectman, and two school committee members. Selectmen Chair Karen Johnson announced recently that she does not plan to run for reelection. If you've ever considered running for a town office, here's an opportunity to do so! Nomination papers are available in the Town Clerk's office through March 3 for citizens interested in running for one of the positions listed below, including those seeking re-election. Completed papers are due back Thursday, March 5 no later than 5 p.m. Town Clerk Eileen McCracken is hoping for an active election season. "It would be nice to have some races," she said. The following elected officials have terms expiring in 2020: Town Moderator Michael Puzo; Selectman Karen Johnson; Stuart Greg Hall, Board of Assessors; Board of Health member Elizabeth Eldredge; Municipal Light Board member John Ryan; School Committe members Michelle Ayer and Edward Schreier; Planning Board member William Ramsey; Sewer Commissioner Stephen Harold; Housing Authority member Megan Buhr; and Recreation Commissioner Adrienne Ramsey. For more info, call the Town Clerk's Office at (781) 741-1410. Comments are closed.
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March 2024