![]() By Carol Britton Meyer The newly-updated Hingham Hazard Mitigation Plan assesses the potential impacts to the town from flooding, high winds, winter storms, brush fire, geologic hazards, extreme temperatures, drought, and invasive species while also identifying the projected impacts of a warming climate for each risk -- including sea level rise. Goals of the plan -- which involved town officials partnering with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council -- include helping to ensure that critical town infrastructure sites are protected from natural hazards, protecting existing residential and business areas from flooding, and working with surrounding communities to ensure regional cooperation and solutions. "Hazard mitigation planning reduces loss of life and property by minimizing the impact of disasters," according to Hingham Deputy Fire Chief Louis Lachance. The Hingham Hazard Mitigation Plan is posted on the town website. ![]() By Carol Britton Meyer Current Hingham Public Schools Science Director Kathryn Roberts was recently named interim assistant superintendent. She will be stepping into the role formerly occupied by Asst. Supt. of Schools Jamie LaBillois, who resigned after accepting a position with the Brockton Public Schools as assistant superintendent of student support services. The School Committee approved Roberts' appointment upon the recommendation of the new Supt. of Schools Dr. Margaret Adams. Adams expressed appreciation for Roberts' willingness to serve in this capacity "during this year of transition" and said that she is highly respected among members of the school community. Roberts, who has worked in the Hingham Public Schools for more than 20 years, was hired as a middle school science and math teacher and transitioned to a K-5 science specialist before being asked to serve as the K-12 Science Director. ![]() By Carol Britton Meyer If all goes as expected, a Special Town Meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 1, for voters to consider approval of full funding for the construction of a new public safety facility on Lincoln Street and for a new Foster School. Both buildings would be energy-efficient. Town Meeting 2021 and 2022 approved $1.6 million each for the preparation of schematic and design documents for the public safety facility and the preparation of pre-construction bid documents respectively. Town Meeting 2022 approved $3.1 in interim funding to pay costs associated with moving forward with the Foster School proposal. The Foster School project cost is estimated at about $113.3 million, with an expected state reimbursement under the Massachusetts School Building Authority partial reimbursement program of between 36.87 to 40.52 percent, depending on various factors. The construction cost for the public safety facility was last estimated at $38 million, a figure that will be adjusted for inflation and other considerations. The expectation is for the new school to open in Sept. 2024. "This is an aggressive schedule, but we're committed to staying as close to this goal as possible," School Building Committee Vice-Chair Ray Estes said. "The kids and staff have been dealing with Foster's issues for many years, and they have waited long enough." ![]() By Carol Britton Meyer The tagline for the newly-created strategic plan for the Hingham Public Schools is "Hingham together: Navigating our future." "This plan really does signify a moment in time," Interim Supt. of Schools Gary Maestas told the School Committee during a recent presentation. "How do we bring our community together educationally and how do we set the future straight for our students?" The strategic plan is based in part on feedback from stakeholders who participated in a survey that garnered nearly 400 responses and comments and from numerous meetings. The plan's mission is: "Together with students, staff, families and community, we cultivate an equitable, inclusive, innovative learning environment that empowers all students to contribute to their local and global community." School Committee Chair Michelle Ayer called the plan "an excellent road map" for the next three years. The plan is posted on the Hingham Public Schools website. |
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March 2024