![]() By Carol Britton Meyer I realize as I'm writing this blog in mid-March on a sunny day when it's already 54 degrees at 8 a.m. -- a rare and welcome occurrence -- that more cold weather is on the way, and soon. But whether we have another big snowstorm or not, my heart is singing along with the birds in our yard, knowing that Spring is on the way! "No matter how long the winter, Spring is sure to follow," is one of my favorite proverbs and these words of wisdom are 100 percent true EVERY year!! The past 12 months have been challenging beyond measure in many different ways for all of us, but Spring is an opportunity for a fresh start as the daffodils and crocuses start to push their way through the earth and the days grow longer. It's also a time to reflect on all that we are grateful for and how we can spread joy to those around us. The official first day of Spring is March 20 this year. Enjoy!!!!! Comments are closed.
Meet Carol!
March 2024