By Carol Britton Meyer During the outdoor regular Town Meeting in June, efforts were made to keep participants cool. For the Nov. 21 Special Town Meeting, that shouldn't be an issue. The meeting will take place on the multi-purpose field at the high school -- with social distancing in place and face make requirements -- featuring a warrant article asking voters to allow the town to move forward with the $5.5 million purchase of a parcel of land at 335 Lincoln St. for potential use as a new combined Hingham Police and Fire Department public safety building. A two-thirds vote is required for the article to pass because a borrowing is involved. The cost of the project will not be the subject of a vote at this Special Town Meeting, although the most recent estimate is about $40 million -- nor will voters be asked to fund the building of the facility this time around. The cost would go down if the scope and the size of the project were to change. The police department -- located at Town Hall -- and the North Street fire station have outgrown their current locations and both chiefs and the public safety facility building committee have outlined in detail the buildings' shortcomings and looking toward the future. If the project becomes a reality, the Senior Center will be able to expand into the police department space. The meeting will begin at noon on the 21st, with a rain date of the following day at the same time. if it rains then as well, the meeting will be held inside. Comments are closed.
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March 2024