![]() By Carol Britton Meyer The design stage for the proposed renovated or new Foster School is progressing. The proposal calls for a three-story building featuring a pre-K offering and robust arts and music programs that will also be the new location for the before- and after-school Kids in Action program. There will be ample play space for recess and community use, a gymnasium featuring a two-sided stage, three music rooms, a rain garden, indoor and outdoor community and green space, potential solar panels on the roof, and a METCO office. A warrant article will be drafted for this Spring's Annual Town Meeting asking for interim funding, subject to Massachusetts School Building Authority approval "so we can begin the fine design development work," School Building Committee Chair Ray Estes said recently. The hope is that the MSBA will fund a significant portion of the project. A Special Town Meeting will be held next Fall for the purpose of asking voter approval of full construction funding. That figure will be announced at a later date. If all goes as planned, construction could begin in the Spring of 2023, followed by the opening of the new school in 2024. Comments are closed.
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March 2024